Why it is a Global Food | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

Why it is a Global Food | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

Happy World Milk Day

Milk, A Powerhouse of Nutrition

Everyone needs to eat to live but each person has personal choices as far as food is concerned. Of all the varieties of foods on this planet, there are some global foods consumed by people across the world irrespective of their culture. To name a few, potatoes, bananas, rice, corn, and MILK. Cuisines of the world use each of these foods in one form or another but only one of these foods is used across the lifespan and that is natural cow’s milk.

This natural wonder food is a powerhouse of nutrition and supports the livelihood of about one billion people globally. It has been a staple food of mankind for over eight thousand years especially in India where it is regarded as sacred and the Divine food. Milk’s special significance in India goes back to Hindu mythology and the Krishna Era. Today India is the world’s largest consumer and producer of milk followed by The United States and Europe. Milk and dairy products are consumed by over six billion people worldwide because of its multifold nutritional benefits.

Milk is a nutritionally complete food

Milk is a nutritionally complete food providing many valuable nutrients including calcium and protein. It promotes strong teeth and bones, a healthy heart, a glowing skin, and overall development. Keeping in mind the nutritional qualities, global health, and the economic impact of milk, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has designated June 1st as World Milk Day. Since the year 2001, countries across the world use this day is an opportunity to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits of milk and dairy products on human health, responsible dairy farming supporting livelihoods and communities in a sustainable way.

The theme for World Milk Day 2021 will focus on ‘Sustainability in the Dairy Sector along with Empowering the Environment, Nutrition, and Socio- Economic’. The FAO also plans to re- introduce dairy farming to the world, by helping to create a low- carbon future for the dairy industry. In the pre-Covid world various programs and activities were organized on this day across the globe to celebrate the importance of this global Superfood. This year, there is a global call to commemorate this day in a unique compassionate way.

Seeing the heartbreaking suffering of people in our country and the economic hardship many are facing; you can mark the day by gifting a packet of milk to those in need and do not have access to nutritious meals. Another way could be supporting the cowsheds / gaushalas in your community that practice sustainable and humane dairy farming. Some other Milk Day activities could include drinking a glass of milk and preparing your favorite dishes using milk, participating in local online Milk Day events, sharing the benefits of milk on your own social media platforms and much more.

Why Milk is the Global Food

The unique nutritional composition and widespread global consumption of milk makes it a global food. Nothing can replace milk when it comes to nutritional benefits. It is an important part of a healthy and balanced diet. One cup of milk is packed with great benefits for our body.

A Source of Calcium & Protein

It is naturally the richest source of calcium, which is essential for tooth and bone health, blood clotting and for regulating blood pressure. It also helps prevent early tooth decay. Children should drink milk to build strong bones and grow naturally. Almost 90% of the body’s calcium is stored in the bones and teeth. Unhealthy eating and sedentary lifestyle are affecting the bone health, bone density and posture of people. Just one cup (240ml) of milk provides almost 300mg of calcium. Daily consumption of milk helps to prevent bone fractures and osteoporosis.

Milk protein is a high quality nutritionally ‘complete protein’. It contains all nine essential amino acids necessary for the human body to function at an optimum level. One cup of milk irrespective of its fat content contains 8 grams of protein. Protein is the macronutrient essential for the body to produce enzymes, hormones, build muscles, build cartilage, and develop skin tissues. It is building block of the body at every age. Cow’s milk provides complete nutrition for babies to help them grow well. It contains two types of proteins – casein and whey proteins both with a unique nutritional composition making milk an ideal pre and post workout drink packed with nutrients.

A Stress Reliever

Stress affects the mental health of all and impacts the quality of life. Milk helps the body in its fight against stress as it has a calming effect on the body. It also helps in regulating the blood pressure and reduces stress hormone levels. Potassium and magnesium in milk work as vasodilators thereby soothing the nerves and relieving muscle cramps. This could be the reason behind the age-old remedy of drinking a glass of warm milk or golden milk before bedtime. It is believed to ensure a sound sleep and help keep stress levels under control. Moreover, milk may also help in reducing depression as it is enriched with vitamin D. Adequate vitamin D levels support the production of serotonin, a hormone associated with mood, appetite, and sleep.

A Nutrition Powerhouse with multiple benefits

In recent times, we have realized the importance of a strong immune system. Some nutrients play a crucial role in supporting a healthy immune system. These nutrients are present in milk, yoghurt, and cheese like Vitamin B6, Folate, Vitamin A, D, E, K, and minerals like Phosphorus, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, and Zinc. Daily use of milk and dairy products provides the body with natural nourishment supporting healthy skin, brain health, glycemic control, weight management and much more. Since ancient times, milk has been used in the East as a natural skin cleanser and toner for glowing soft skin.

source of excellent nutrition

These and many other qualities make milk a global food. Hence, try not to miss your glass of milk any day and remember that people of every age can drink milk. Choose low-fat milk and dairy products in case you wish to limit saturated fat in your diet. The versatility of milk makes it usable in endless ways to blend in with your cuisine and taste. Milk remains a source of excellent nutrition for lacto-vegetarians.

It also goes without saying that today we must recognize the immense efforts of the dairy farmers and all those who are a part of the supply chain responsible for bringing milk safely to every household across the world. For the dairy farmers, every day is World Milk Day as they care for their animals and the environment. They strive to adopt healthy knowledgeable ways in milk procurement and production of dairy products. We should also express our gratitude towards God and the cows as the natural source of this ultra-nourishing beverage.
Pledge Now and Take a step toward a brighter future by spreading the message of this year’s World Milk Day and preserving the benefits of milk. “Happy World Milk Day.”

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