The Torchbearers of Humanity | Sudhanshu ji Maharaj

The Torchbearers of Humanity | Sudhanshu ji Maharaj

The Torchbearers of Humanity

The Torchbearers of Humanity

A lot has changed these past one and half years. But many things are still intact – like the courage and integrity of our doctors. They restore our faith in humanity. They deserve huge thanks for their hard work and dedication during the ongoing tumultuous time, helping all fighting with the hidden enemy at our doors. 

Without any doubt, doctors are brave souls humbling everyone with their extraordinary efforts to make the world safer. Unfortunately, many people take their efforts for granted and take ‘destructive’ steps that should be avoided. They think that the work of a doctor is simple and they are dishonest. While the reality is- right now for many doctors the hard work has only turned harder, the stress unimaginable and the sacrifice bigger.

And sometimes, our physicians are emotionally exhausted to the core, especially amid the ongoing pandemic situation. So, this is not the right time to judge them harshly. This is the time to act humbly before them and shun hostility at clinics and hospitals.

Everyone must take a pledge to always respect our corona warriors and never hurt them.

Let’s Understand Our Doctors 

As our country is fighting the COVID-19 pandemic with measures like lockdown, our healthcare workers and doctors are working day and night. They have minimized the damage with constant checks on their patients, through phone or virtual medium.

Further, our doctors also face the threat of being infected and unfortunately, we have lost some of the best brains due to it. We have seen how in order to keep their families safe many doctors have given up going to their own homes at all. They relocated to temporary accommodations for the safety of their family. They are facing enormous challenges for quite a long time now yet their spirit is high. The amount of tension and stress they continue to feel is quite unimaginable.

Therefore, let’s understand our doctors’ genuine plight and sincerely appreciate their service. They all deserve gratitude and recognition from every single citizen of the country. 

Now the question is how our doctors have managed to fulfill their duties despite a threat to their lives.

The answer is ‘virtue’ in them.

Integrity, One of the Key Virtues in Our Doctors

Virtues are habits of character refined through practice resulting in the actions needed for a human being to flourish. And our doctors flourish in their profession due to virtues like unselfishness, compassion, courage, and of course, integrity.

Integrity is adhering to moral principles, being duly faithful to moral conscience, keeping words, and standing up for what is right. Also, understand that Integrity is quite different from honesty. In honesty, we tell truth to others while Integrity is telling the truth to oneself. And our doctors, most of them, adhere to the code of conduct and medical ethics thereby making the lives of patients safe and easy while facing incredible troubles in the profession.

So, mankind must give respect to these torchbearers of humanity always and refrain from causing any harm to their lives, hospitals and clinics. 

This ‘National Doctors’ Day’ let’s show gratitude towards our doctors for continuing their services despite grave challenges and troubles.

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