The Greatest Service to Humanity | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

The Greatest Service to Humanity | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

The Greatest Service to Humanity

Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.

-Albert Einstein

The ultimate duty of a human being is to help those who are needy and distressed. And Blood Donation is one of the greatest ways to help fellow human beings. This noble gesture has the power to save lives and it is the greatest service to humanity. But right now, there is a huge gap between the demand and supply of blood.

According to reports, our country has the world’s largest shortage of blood, with all states together facing a huge shortfall of about 41 million units. The demand outstrips supply by over 400% and this demand is rising amid the ongoing pandemic since a lot of patients need blood plasma. Volunteerism is needed urgently.

Blood donation can make a positive difference in the lives of millions of people every year. It could help people suffering from viral infections, pregnant women, children with anemia, or Thalassemia, people in need of urgent surgery, or critical support during a public health emergency.

Every year, the 8th of May is commemorated as the International Thalassaemia Day to raise awareness about this chronic health condition. Donating blood is the only way to save the lives of those suffering from it. The day is also an opportunity to thank our volunteers who donate blood regularly. New donors should also come forward for the purpose.

But why there is a shortage of blood donors?

Shun the Myth

The myths around blood donation are one of the major hurdles in the active participation of people for the cause. Some people think donating blood causes weakness and some women feel they should not donate blood as it affects their immune system. Some people even think blood donation will reduce the quality and quantity of blood in their bodies. Blood donation awareness programs, obviously, are needed at all levels.

Healthcare experts should come forward to raise awareness about it and bust myths related to blood donation. 

People should be taught there will be no scarcity of blood in the body after donating since after the donation the body will still have the surplus quantity of blood. Donors may immediately resume their duties after donating the blood, though the doctor may advise refraining from heavy activities for 12 hours after the donation. Moreover, as a donor, people have the option to either donate complete blood or certain specific components of the blood.

Donating blood is a dignified cause and a selfless act offering someone a chance at life. Every such donor should encourage more people, especially those having rare blood types, to take steps to donate blood voluntarily; just one donation can save up to three lives. Always remember, there is no alternative for human blood. It cannot be manufactured in factories.

So, come forward and take part in the greatest service to humanity and donate blood. Life is a wonderful gift from God and it must be saved at any cost.

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