Sharad Purnima, the Beautiful Night of Awakening | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

Sharad Purnima, the Beautiful Night of Awakening | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

Sharad Purnima, the Beautiful Night of Awakening

Sharad Purnima, the Beautiful Night of Awakening

Sharad Purnima is not an ordinary night. The moon showers nectar on the earth on this bright and beautiful night. You can embrace it only if you are ‘awakened’. That’s why, a devotee, who observes this beautiful day with spiritual as well as financial quests in his heart, stays awake all night.

Sharad Purnima, indeed, is the night of awakening for spiritual seekers.

The occasion is of immense significance. On this day, Mother Nature opens a doorway for people to experience Her moonlit splendour. It gives seekers an opportunity to find greater possibilities within themselves with the help of a Guru. When they surrender themselves  unto their Guru with a seeking heart, the beauty of Sharad Purnima arrives in their lives naturally under His guidance.

The Significance of Sharad Purnima

Many wonderful tales are linked with Sharad Purnima, prominent among them is that of Goddess Lakshmi and Her visit to earth. It’s believed that She visits earth on this day and travels all around asking, ‘Who is awake’ and She enters the homes of those who are awake.

Hence, celebrate the night by invoking Goddess Lakshmi’s presence in your life through worship, and other rituals.

Further, today’s  special moon has all the 16 Kalas or attributes and so Sharad Purnima is the best time to feel its healing light through meditation. In fact, it is the only day in the year when the moon shines with all its 16 attributes.

The combination of these Kala(s) creates a perfect human personality like Lord Krishna, who was born with all 16 attributes. Hence, do not forget to meditate and worship the moon on the night of Sharad Purnima.

A Day to Meditate

For seeking hearts, undoubtedly, Sharad Purnima is one of the finest days for meditation. On this day, meditate to seek peace, prospwrity and opulence in your life. Know that the Moon also symbolizes mind, a complex entity full of negative and positive emotions. And so, on this day, everything will be magnified, both positive and negative.

It is therefore vital to be in the state of meditation on this day so that you attract only the positive vibrations to the mind. This is possible only through meditation. So, use the beauty and the magnifying impact of the moon to deepen your spiritual practice.

Sit as long as you like in the state of deep meditation. The most important point is, you should connect with your entire existence and feel oneness with the Higher Power. If that happens the purpose of meditation on Sharad Purnima is fulfilled.

With practise, this oneness will become more and more powerful & fulfilling and eventually it will become the part of your current state of existence too, giving you amazing spiritual and material benefits in the long run.

A Day to Invite Abundance

On Sharad Purnima, moreover, the moon sprinkles its elixir over the earth. It heals the entire planet and all the human beings making them more conscious towards their duties and progress.

There is a legend which says, once a King’s opulence and wealth diminished to a great extent. He was in great financial distress. His queen observed a fast for Mata Lakshmi and stood awake on the day of Sharad Purnima. They regained their prosperity after this ritual.

So, on the pious occasion of Sharad Purnima, meditate, worship Goddess Lakshmi, and chant mantras dedicated to Her. Also read scriptures, including Vishnu Sahastranam to receive Her special grace in the form of a good fortune.

But keep this in mind that Goddess of wealth does not stay with the person who does not understand his duty or is not disciplined towards it.

Hence, follow all the Sharad Purnima rituals along with fulfilling your worldly duties, the grace of Goddess Lakshmi will appear in your life surely.


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