Peace Must Arise from Within | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

Peace Must Arise from Within | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

Peace Must Arise from Within

Be at peace with others by being at peace with yourself. Be at peace with yourself by being at peace with God.

-HH Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

Peace Must Arise from Within

Peace is a state of absolute fearlessness. It is a celebration of life wherein every creature is able to live with a contented heart. It’s a blissful state where no one needs to suffer anymore and everyone is living in gratitude and love. More so, when everyone is able to find such peace within themselves, they can truly play a role in building a peaceful world.

Further, every creature here is living an interrelated life and therefore, everyone should try to extend his or her circle of compassion to include all living creatures. It will surely lead to peace everywhere. So, the ultimate goal of your every prayer should be peace only. It will enable you to stay happy despite all the turmoil, anxiety and chaos that often touch everyone.

Moreover, your peace as an individual is important along with the peace of your surroundings. In order to keep strife and problems under check, see yourself as one with your surroundings. Understand your role in maintaining the unity in your society as it will make peace on a large scale, possible. So, give peace a chance and start by inviting peace within.

Invite Peace to Your Life

When you are empty, you attain the state of peace. When you connect with nature, you feel peace. When you listen to devotional songs and music, you invoke peace within. You attain a state of inner calm when you inspire yourself everyday by reading awakening texts, scriptures and words of saints and sages.

Furthermore, the ideal way to invite peace in life is by offering prayers and connecting with God. With unconditional devotion you purify your inner core and feel the awakening of your subconscious energy. This enables you to make wise decisions in life. A chaotic mind cannot take right decisions.

Also understand that for peace one thing is required, silence and for silence you need to move away from the state of confusion and disorder. And that’s why for practicing meditation, which is a beautiful path to peace, you need to disconnect yourself from external chaos. In some meditation techniques, however, you are supposed to observe everything going on around you.

Attaining Peace amidst Turmoil

Interestingly, with the help of such meditation techniques, you can enter the tranquil state of mind. In these techniques, you are trained to first engage all your senses in being mindful of your surroundings and by staying there for some time, you tend to gradually submerge into deep silence.

Is it really possible?

Yes, it is possible through practice. Now when you attain consciousness amid such turmoil you start listening to your inner voice.  You come face to face with your inner turmoil and start applying a ‘brake’ on your thought-process gradually that ultimately takes you into void. All thoughts of jealousy, hatred, anger, fear, insecurity, and greed dissipate.

Impose a ‘Curfew’ in your Noisy Mind

At this moment, there is no ‘heavy traffic’ in your mind. It feels as if a curfew has been imposed in an otherwise noisy city. Now the road is empty and you start acting like a person who is standing over a bridge and looking down, while traffic is at standstill. And when you attain this state of inner calm, you feel the tranquillity within. This peace of mind does not make you timid but is empowering.

You can transcend into the state of tranquillity by seeking the Divine Grace of and guidance of a Guru. Lord Krishna says, if you want to feel the superlative happiness in your life, then learn to live in peace and stillness.

Hence, irrespective of your present circumstance, practice the art of silence to attain inner peace. Moreover, your inner peace will also enrich you with virtuous traits.

Wishes for International Day of Peace!

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