Meditation Unlocks the Path to Success | Manali meditation Center | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

Meditation Unlocks the Path to Success | Manali meditation Center | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

Meditation Unlocks the Path to Success

Meditation Unlocks the Path to Success

No matter what you want to achieve, for succeeding in your endeavour and eventually in life, you need three key attributes in yourself- concentration, a balanced mind and inner peace. A person with a disturbed mind cannot sustain a journey of progress & development for long. This is because inner unrest leads to confusion.

Mental disturbances rob off the smile from your face and also get in the way of a sound sleep. A disturbed mind can never take good decisions. Further, wisdom and intelligence-the raw materials of success & progress- stay in a peaceful mind. And that’s why people seek peace through various meditation techniques.

Peace equals intelligence & growth

You are likely to make correct decisions when at peace. You take the right actions when you have a calm mind. With a tranquil mind, you can cross any hurdle and, peacefulness keeps you ahead of all. Perhaps that’s why a majority of successful people are peace-loving.

And so, everyone- irrespective of the area of interest- should know how to balance himself, practice a few moments of deep silence, and turn that silence into profound serenity for inviting progress in life.

Peace equals great ideas & creations

People in any creative field, especially art and music, have an affinity for quietness as it activates the intuition within them and sets their mood for beautiful creations. But why do they have an affinity for quiet places in order to create their masterpieces?

This is because peace or silence is the root of novel ideas. It quiets the mind. Fresh ideas emerge like a spark of light when a creative person sits in silence. You must have heard stories about great minds who would keep a notebook and pen handy so that after waking up in the morning they can note down the ideas that crossed their mind during sleep.

The dream of a great mathematician

The story of Srinivasa Ramanujan, the world-renowned Mathematician is one of great inspiration. He said that Goddess Namagiri, the Hindu Goddess of creativity, would appear in his dreams, showing him some mathematical calculations that he would write down after waking up.

The amazing mathematician described one of his dreams in these words:

“While asleep, I had an unusual experience. There was a red screen formed by flowing blood, as it were. I was observing it. Suddenly a hand began to write on the screen. I became all attention. That hand wrote a number of elliptic integrals. They stuck to my mind. As soon as I woke up, I committed them to writing.”

Dreams come during the moments of deep silence and sometimes they hint at a fresh idea. Creative people note such ideas as they wake up before these ideas vanish from the mind.

So, fresh ideas emerge but, for that, a fertile environment is necessary which is ensured by a peaceful mind.

Thus, for making progress in any field, you have to do one thing surely- taking your mind to a state of utmost peacefulness. It enables you to set your mood and develop a deep concentration on your goal and that’s why it is said everybody, especially the youth, should meditate.

Meditation enables the mind to achieve great success in any field.

Develop the power of restraint through meditation

The pious period of Chaitra Navratri is underway and a lot of people are fasting these days. They are worshipping Goddess Durga and also practicing penance. All such practices and rituals help them in controlling their mind and awakening inner creativity.

So, it is not surprising that despite working hard most of them are unable to attain great heights in life. They succumb to bad habits and unwise indulgences. But those who meditate every day are successful in controlling their mind in all circumstances. They never surrender to temporary wishes and keep moving towards their goal with an unwavering mind and inner strength.

Benefits of meditation

Further, when you meditate, you will be able to remove the information overload that builds up every day in your mind causing stress.

With the power of meditation-

  • You gain a fresh perspective on difficult situations
  • Start building new skills to manage stress
  • Focus on the present
  • Get away from negative emotions
  • Gain clarity of thought
  • Become creative and also,
  • Develop the attribute of patience

Make progress via the route of meditation

Meditation enhances your creative self and makes you more disciplined paving the path to great success in life. Learn meditation and practice the right techniques, concentrate all your scattered power at one point and attain what you want from life.

Succeed in life by adding meditation into your lifestyle.

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