Learn to Relax | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

Learn to Relax | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

Learn to Relax

Learn to Relax

At times, daily life could get really stressful. Reasons could be highly demanding work schedules, family obligations, and social duties. But you should know that stressful situations trigger the release of harmful hormones in the body. These chemicals make the heart pound heavily, increase the breathing speed and cause muscles to tense. Such surge of hormones can take a toll on the mind and body leading to harmful health conditions that may include insomnia, high BP, and depression.

Thankfully, some relaxation techniques can drive human bodies to stop releasing such harmful hormones. They help the body in getting relaxed and when you are relaxed, your heart rate slows down, breathing speed becomes natural and you feel a sense of calm.

Here are a few easy and natural relaxation techniques that you should use.

Breathing Exercises

Breathing is one of the simplest relaxation techniques. It can effectively calm your stressed-out mind. Here’s how you can do it.  Lie down in a quiet and clean place and put one of your hands on your belly. Breathe in to a slow count of four, and then breathe out to the same count. Feel as your belly rises and falls as you breathe in and out. You may repeat it four to five times. The process will relax your mind amazingly.

You can give relief to the physical stress as well through breathing. Lie down on a clean and soft bed or a carpet. Tense up any one part of your body at a time, and then slowly leave that muscle to relax. You will feel a positive change in your body and experience a sense of calm. 

Note them Down

At times, we feel stressed due to the thoughts running in the mind. You can get things off your mind by writing them down. This is also a nice way to relax. Whenever you feel stressed, spare a few minutes and note down some short notes about how you’re feeling right now or how your day is being passed. Express yourself clearly and it will release your stress successfully.

Focus on Positivity

When you are stressed, you tend to focus on the negative aspect of life. Try thinking about the positive aspects and, if possible, write them down. It will relax your mind miraculously. Think of five good things that happened to you in a week and note them down, even if they’re very small matters like waking up on time or having a tasty food item, or reading a good book. This notebook will become your book of gratitude and it will surely help you feel relaxed.

Get Close to Nature

When you feel stressed, spend just a few minutes with nature. Right now it’s not advisable to go outside due to the ongoing pandemic situation, so take a walk in your own garden or just sit peacefully amid some greenery. Nature has a great stress-reducing effect. Being in a natural setting also reduces muscle tension.

Moreover, the sounds from nature — leaves rustling in the morning breeze, the chirping of birds — also have a restorative effect on our minds. So, connect to the physical beauty of nature to tune your senses.

Relax in a way that suits you and see the super positive impact on your body, mind, and soul. Relaxation removes the negative physical and mental effects of stress. You think with clarity, make better decisions in life, and develop a positive outlook towards daily routine life. You will have a healthier body, with a normal breathing rate, relaxed muscles, and optimum blood pressure. 

Hence, learn to relax and live a positive and happy life.

1 Comment

  1. Naina vyas says:

    Dha yawad guruji apka bohot

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