Stop Complaining, Start Living! | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

Stop Complaining, Start Living! | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

Stop Complaining, Start Living

Stop Complaining, Start Living!

“If you dislike something, change it but if you are unable to change it, then change your thought-process towards it, but try not to complain. Because complaining will not help the situation in any way. Be a problem solver instead of a problem maker.”

-HH Sudhanshuji Maharaj

In day-to-day life, some people carry a lot of complaints within themselves. Complaints against their surroundings, family, people, society, spouse, and sometimes, even against themselves. A majority of these complaints, however, are based on false misconceptions and quick judgments.

Try to remove these misconceptions and take time before coming to any conclusion.

Keep pure thoughts

From your point of view you might be right, yet you could be saying certain things that might be hurtful to the other person. Therefore, always try to keep pure thoughts within so that your external interaction is cordial too. If your thoughts are pure, it will keep your relationships good as well. Unfortunately, these days, trivial matters are breaking families, blood relations are fighting tragic court cases, children are abandoning their parents, and old age homes are packed with anxious and helpless old people.

Many times, small complaints and misunderstandings are behind such disturbing developments in society.

Understand that life is a journey towards perfection and everyone tries to live a complete life despite the fact that no one is perfect in this world. Everybody’s life lacks something; nobody has everything.

Human tendency is to Cry and Complain

Further, an ordinary human being can know a ‘lot of things’ but not ‘everything’. Human beings have their own limits, unlike God Who is limitless. Human beings have a start and an end, unlike God Who is without any beginning or end.

So, mortals with limits are bound to cry and complain over certain things. Almost everyone thinks, if only, I would have loving relationships in life; if only, I would have a house, big car, good job in life, making my life good-Still remember, your life will give you many things, but not everything.

Thus, show gratitude for what you have and stop complaining about what you don’t have. Stop complaining because if you keep complaining, God will give more chances to complain and same is true for thankfulness.

Moreover, keep one thing also in the mind that ‘principled objection’ should be shown if something is not right, but refrain from making a habit of constant complaining.

Try Not to Be a Habitual Complainer

You should draw a line between complaining for a valid reason and complaining about everything out of habit. You should, of course, raise a righteous objection to any wrongdoing. For example, if you have been unfairly treated by people for no reason, you have the right to complain. But you should not be a habitual complainer, constantly staying angry about how life has treated you unfairly, or when people behave in a certain way that you dislike.

If complaining becomes your nature, you can suffer in diverse ways. It can start having bad effects on our general well-being. Ways in which constant complaining can affect your happiness include-

Bad Impact on relationships

Due to this habit, your day-to-day interactions with people can be affected. People may start disliking you just due to this bad habit. They may hesitate before sharing anything with you.

Making you Stressful

Constant complaining causes a great amount of stress as well and it is a vicious cycle. Your stress & anxiousness may lead to complaints, and also, vice-versa. Complaining raises stress levels and negative emotions badly affecting your day-to-day activities, making work and life suffer unnecessarily.

Making you Unhealthy

Relentless complaining deteriorates your physical as well as mental health. It can make you suffer from fatigue and anxiety, and you may start losing interest in the simple delights of life.

So, start working today to stop this habit.

Start A new Stop Complaining, Now!

Be grateful for all that you have because gratitude is an amazing healer. When you cultivate an attitude of gratitude, you are likely to have less anxiety due to absence of stress. Also try to focus on the solution because when you complain, you are focused on the problem and sometimes, you totally forget that you need a solution.

So, stop thinking about the problem, and start contemplating how you can change the situation, or what your next step should be if something is not right. A positive affirmation will surely help you in making an impactful change in your surroundings giving you happiness and inner peace.

Therefore, from today, stop complaining and start living because you are here to complete your life’s journey happily while enjoying good health, contentment and bliss.

1 Comment

  1. Mamta Thakur says:

    शत् शत् नमन गुरुदेव
    अनंत कोटि धन्यवाद गुरुदेव

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