Immerse yourself in Self-Exploration | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

Immerse yourself in Self-Exploration | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

Immerse yourself in Self-Exploration

If you want to accomplish outstanding results from what you do and succeed in life, you should start with discovering yourself.

-HH Sudhanshuji Maharaj

Immerse yourself in Self-Exploration

You are the master of your own kingdom. You can lead life as you like, of course abiding by the laws of the land and boundaries defined by the society. You are free to enjoy the comforts of life based on your social relationship and economic capabilities.

But have you ever tried to discover yourself?

If no, dive into your inner domain, where your God resides. Once you do it, you won’t yearn to come outside because within lies the ocean of peace, love, accomplishment, and happiness. There your mind settles down paving the way for knowing the deeper and higher truths about your existence and purpose of being a human.

Finding yourself

People are bestowed with beautiful personal values. These are the specific qualities that give meaning to their lives.  They have honesty, care, creativity, compassion, courage, and intelligence in them, among other qualities. These all add value to life. But the irony is- a majority of people are not aware that they are bestowed with such attributes.

When you start your journey towards self-exploration or self-discovery, you get to know about them.

For now, understand that the most important skill you can develop in yourself and possess is to discover your true self. When you know who you are, your everyday life becomes easier. Now you know what you need to do and also realize what you are doing is right. You don’t need any approval from others for the things you do. Such independence allows you find your best version casting a bigger impact on your own life and surroundings.

But, how to know who you really are? Among many, here are a few steps that you can take to discover yourself.

1. Contemplate

It would be difficult for you to discover yourself until you take the time to contemplate. Many people fail to understand themselves, their flaws and qualities, because any kind of stillness scares them. For them, it’s too painful to be alone with every fault staring back at them. But it isn’t until you contemplate, evaluate yourself and are truthful with yourself that you will actually be able to realize your true self.

So, be quiet, contemplate and discover your true self. You may use various meditation techniques for the same.

2. Find your Karma

Discover what you are good at and also not good at. This might be difficult yet it’s necessary to know when you are on the journey of self-discovery. It takes trial & error to discover the same, but you should give it a try. Once you know you are good at something, no matter how difficult it is, stick to that and never quit.

However, if you think this is not your inner calling, start making room for something better. And when you find your actions are really increasing your drive to do something, know that you are just a few steps closer to discovering your passion and eventually, Karma.

Passion, moreover, results in the effort and efforts yield great outcomes in life that in turn result in a deeper discovery of your inner self.

3. Maintain a Journal

If you kept a diary in childhood, you might recall how it helped you stay organized and keep track of your time. Journaling also helps you explore your thoughts and emotions. Pick up the habit of diary writing again. It will help you establish a connection with yourself and understand more about the person you want to become in life.

A journal or diary helps with self-reflection. Use it to ask yourself important questions and answer them. Write inspirational ideas for yourself in it and then work on them. Create a dream-book for yourself and learn more about yourself.

4. Keep Learning

Try to learn something new every day. Learning gives the best results when it’s considered as a lifelong process. If you are interested in learning, various means are available where you can read what you want.  Take the time to read as reading is also one of the most important means of self-discovery.

When you read you learn about other people, places, and cultures and ultimately learn about yourself.

5. Understand the Value of Relationships

You do not choose the family you are born into, but often, this family plays a big role in your self-exploration. Always try to build a conducive environment in your family. Seek out people who make you happy and support you in your endeavours by inspiring you to feel passionate about your life and Karma. Creating such a family is a key component in finding yourselves, because having a support system that believes in you helps you in realizing your goals.

If you have such people around you, value them. Try to be valuable for others around you. When you help others in their self-discovery, it helps in your own self-exploration as well.

6. Offer a Helping Hand

Volunteering is also an amazing way to get some perspective on who you are. When you give your time to a good cause, you realize what’s really important for you and it tells you what you care about in your life. Such self-knowledge leads to self-discovery naturally.

The main point is, there could be many ways to explore your inner self. What you need is an intent and a higher purpose. When you have both, your journey towards self-discovery becomes easier. So, try to start your inner journey soon and witness an incredible outcome in the form of a happy and satisfied life.

Give Hope to ThemWhat is real success for any human being?

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