How to Celebrate Holi Festival | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj | Happy Holi 2022

How to Celebrate Holi Festival | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj | Happy Holi 2022

How to Celebrate Holi Festival

Enjoy All Colours of Emotions

How to Celebrate Holi Festival -In India, Holi is celebrated since ancient times. Wonderful tales of Lord Krishna and Radha playing Holi are parts of many folklores. The Festival of Colours is being played with enthusiasm, happiness and jubilation. A lot of emotions are attached to the festival.

This Holi, celebrate the day delightfully and also learn to be ‘emotionally intelligent’ so that you can manage your emotions in a positive way and use them to beautify life.

The Colours of Emotion

Understand that life is a beautiful composition of innumerable emotions. These emotions are nothing but the colours of life. You must know how to enjoy each of them just like the different colours of Holi. Some colours are too bright to be ignored, some get mixed with other colours turning into a completely different shade, some leave a perpetual mark on clothes, and some vanish soon.

On Holi, you experience all such colours when people throw them on you. It’s a part of your life. Likewise, different emotions that result in different actions, are also an inseparable part of your life. You experience some of them on a daily basis, some for a short moment, some are misleading while some leave a permanent mark on your mind.

Appreciate the Importance of Each Emotion

How to Celebrate Holi Festival -These varied colours of emotions- including anger, love, fear, joy, sorrow, jubilation, zeal, to name just a few- define the mood of your everyday life. Just as each shade in the rainbow is vital to produce its beautiful image, diverse emotions should also be felt to make life beautiful.

Therefore, view life as a wonderful display of emotions and learn to appreciate the importance of each of them. They give the real meaning to life. Look deeply, you’ll find that every emotion has a particular teaching attached to it. Try to imbibe these teachings. They will surely help you enrich your life.

Further, on the day of Holi, the atmosphere looks like a grand mixture of laughter & colours. Everyone gets covered with colours. People are almost unrecognizable. It seems as if there is no discrimination at all. All are happy and all are together, celebrating life. That’s how your life should be.

Diverse emotions are moving around in your physical realm. Try not to give special importance to any single emotion. Take them in a holistic way. When your feelings are in harmony, you live life happily and with equanimity.

Learn to Accept the ‘Opposites’

Also understand that negative emotions like anger, disappointment, and grief are inevitable. Every human being has to experience them during the search for their purpose in life or while understanding the real meaning of life. Happiness and joy will stay relevant only when you learn to accept their opposites. The acceptance will make your life truly happy and colourful.

Indeed, these are the ups and downs that make life a beautiful journey, helping you grow stronger as a person.

Finally, in this journey of colourful emotions, open your hearts to those who matter in your life and watch how your multicoloured emotions are producing the light of happiness spreading it everywhere.

So, enjoy each colour of life, including the colour of bliss, purity, peace and joy. And don’t forget to add in devotion and positive energy to embrace God’s grace, so that your life may always be colourful and happy.

Wishes for vibrant Holi celebrations!

Change is a Part of Life

Different Colours of Life

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