Happiness is Your ‘Default Setting’ | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

Happiness is Your ‘Default Setting’ | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

Think mindfully and you’ll find it’s really difficult to remain in a state of despair. It’s tough because it would be difficult for anyone to spend time in such a painful state of mind. On the contrary, if you are in a state of comfort, peace and happiness, it will make the days go by faster. You don’t find your days tiring & irksome.

It happens because staying happy is your true nature.  It’s not your inherent nature to be in a state of hatred & jealousy. You are definitely not designed to be like that. It’s your nature to be full of love and wisdom.

Further, it’s also difficult to live in a constant state of fear, because fear also is not your nature. You are fearless and courageous by birth. So, if fearfulness becomes a part of your nature, it overpowers you sooner or later. It starts guiding you. Now you may start taking crucial decisions of your life out of fear only. But being fearful is also not your true nature and that’s why it will make your life problematic.

Understand that every natural entity enriches life, but ‘negative emotions’ created by you, degrade life.  Therefore, always try to be in your natural form. God has bestowed upon you this beautiful form; a form which is unique with divine attributes- blissfulness and inner peace.

So, make happiness your unique individual identity.

Happiness- the Foundation of Positive Relationships

When you realize your original nature, it becomes a strong foundation of positive bonds that you make with yourself as well as others. So, during testing times, when you feel that your relationships are giving you pain, let your mind relax and hearts open. Reflect upon your priorities, you’ll get to know yourself and your true individual nature. When you act wisely in such a calm state, your decisions are right.

In a relaxed state, you find your emotional equilibrium and inherent calm and they sustain you through problematic phases of life.

And that’s why, since times immemorial, people are meditating. Through meditation, they discover that their ‘being’ has all the attributes needed to be in a blissful state. Meditation enables them to reach their true nature despite various temporary setbacks, including momentary problems in life & relationships.

Refrain from Building a False Identity

True happiness, moreover, cannot be found in the outer world because this world is bound to constant changes. It is full of uncertainty which, most of the time, is uncontrollable. Your identity, therefore, should not be dependent on outer happenings otherwise you may find yourself building a false identity that is dependent on the transitory moments. You are not unkind, you are not hateful, and you are not going to lead your life in jealousy.

Your determination must be towards wearing your true nature and developing wise attributes like tenderness, respect, patience, care, acceptance, compassion, gratitude, and devotion.

Accept your True Nature and Express it!

When you trust your inborn nature, it results in strong self-confidence. Now you believe in your natural capacity to be resilient, brave, loving, and wise through life’s usual ups and downs.

While you don’t have any control over life’s circumstances yet you are free to boldly express your true nature. Through expressing them, you can generate happiness for yourself and others.  Your unlimited capacity to support the needy can flow from your true nature without making any great effort.  You can enjoy helping others without expecting in return.

And most importantly, when you realize your true nature, you also recognize that other people are also like you – having the same inherent nature. They also have the same attributes; they seek happiness and they want to stay away from distress. Of course, sometimes they make mistakes in their journey yet they can learn and realize their true nature.

Tread the Path of Humanity

Try to give least importance to individual differences and tread the path of humanity. Always be kind and helpful to those who need it and feel inner happiness.

The bottom line is whenever you experience anything other than happiness you are actually being distracted from your innate nature. In modern terminology, peace, bliss, and contentment are your ‘default setting’.

So, try to perform such Karma that give you happiness in the end and be in that state always. Ultimately, you’ll realize that indeed this God-gifted life is nothing but a blissful journey.

1 Comment

  1. A man is the products of his thoughts what he thinks he becomes.

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