Giving a Desirable Turn to Life

Giving a Desirable Turn to Life

Giving desirable Turn to life

Put in incredible efforts in accomplishing your bigger goals. You’ll see, your hard work is helping you discover your true potential. -HH Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

Everyone experiences a new turn in life. Sometimes the turn may be desirable while not so positive another time. And when an undesirable turn comes along, one is faced with the choice to stay trapped there, or to turn the situation around. Sometimes you may not feel the need to make any difference in your life. Irrespective of your age, you can always give a positive turn to your life. There are endless examples of people who have given a new turn to their lives even in old age.

But the question is, why should everyone persevere to bring novelty to life.

The Message of Scriptures

Our ancient scriptures and Vedas motivate people to reach for the sky by consistently performing their duties diligently. Everyone should try to bring excellence in their actions thru perseverance and incessant refinement of their talent.  Doing so will help one in touching the zenith.

Irrespective of your present circumstances you can bring a turning point in your life. Even the least capable can earn prominence as a result of virtuous actions. Think of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, and his small coastal town of Rameswaram. See how a newspaper vendor achieved such a great height in life with sheer hard work and wisdom.

So, our Vedas give this message that whatever you are doing right now, give an edge to it and always try to rise higher. Make sure that you do not get distracted from the right path and also, never let the fire of your ambition be extinguished by your own lethargy and procrastination.

But what to do when ‘inescapable’ problems arise?

A Strong Resolve Makes Everything Possible

Whenever problems arise in your life, you should get even ‘more’ motivated and enthusiastic. You should smile some more when you are under pressure and when someone wants to suppress you, you must be able to awaken greater power within yourself. With strong resolution it is possible.

Understand that ‘determination’ is an incredible power. So, do not feel bullied by those who are at a great height, rather take inspiration from them and inscribe this in mind- ‘I also have to get ahead in what I am doing.’ With hard work, efforts and practice you can achieve anything. Be determined and continue practicing in silence. Success will find you automatically. Ultimately, your success and achievement shall speak about your efforts, not you.

At times, however, you may feel that you are not growing in life or you are not going to achieve what you deserve, but when the right time arrives, you’ll get what you deserve. So, remember that your thoughts carry you forward. Empower them every day and fill yourself with positivity.

Share your Knowledge

Also understand that you must share whatever you have. If someone has the talent of singing, but, due to any reason, he doesn’t sing at all, what will happen? His talent will go to waste. For example, there are some people with the knowledge of treating pain using some ancient techniques, but neither do they use this talent nor share it with anyone. Eventually, they die with their talent hidden in their hearts.

Know that if you have some aptitude, but it is not used for the welfare of others then it is a futile aptitude. Pleasure and happiness come when you share with others. Not only will it make you happier, but it will also give a good turn to your life.

Hence, never lose touch with where you are right now and along with that, stay positive about where you’re heading. Keep learning at every step along the way and believe that your consistent effort will bring a desirable turn in your life.

Keep moving forward!

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