Five Ways to Improve Your Decision-Making Ability

Five Ways to Improve Your Decision-Making Ability

Five Ways to Improve Your Decision-Making Ability

Decision-making is a key skill in humans and is extremely important for leading a happy, healthy, and contented life. Whether you’re deciding what to study, which profession, or business to choose, or which habit to keep and which to avoid, the ability to make a good decision is vital. It would be easy if there was one time-tested formula you could use in any given situation, but unfortunately, there isn’t. Each decision comes with its own challenges. 

Nevertheless, with a firm belief in God and a systematic approach to the problem, you may avoid making bad decisions and lead a well-planned and peaceful life.

Here’s what you can do to improve your decision-making ability.

1. Take Help from Lord Krishna

Many people consider The Bhagavad Gita only a great scripture. But the truth is that this text shows you the right way when you are dealing with any dilemma in life and unable to decide. In such a situation, keep the problem in your mind and read The Gita. In this text, Lord Krishna has shown various ways for human beings to become decisive in life. 

For example, in chapter 6, Lord Krishna advises one to maintain balance in life and never decide when feeling very happy or too sad. While taking any decision, understand that the results are not in your hands. You just have to put in your honest work and perform your duty (Nishkam Karm).

2. Learn to Put Off Ego and Have Faith

Decision-making can be hard sometimes because you may become too personally concerned over how a decision will make you look and feel. You must dispassionately solve the problem and for that, you must keep your emotions aside and have faith in your decision-making ability.

In chapter 17, verse 28 of The Gita, Lord Krishna states that whatever a man does without faith is ineffectual. So, before taking any decision, think about whether it looks alright to you and do you have a strong belief in your decision. If the answer is yes, go ahead. Faith is a strong pillar with which you can cross vast rivers and even move mountains.

3. Talk to Your Acquaintances

Understand that, the dilemma you are caught in may have been faced by many people in the past and so the decision you are thinking to make has likely been made in the past. So, discuss your problem with your friends, relatives, and colleagues; they would love to offer you options and make your decision-making easy. Always seek to advise from experts in the field and do not get misled by the inexperienced.

4. Use Your Superpower

Your ability to meditate is your superpower. Discover it and start using it. Meditate and visualize each option on which you are working. Observe how each option makes you feel within yourself. One choice will make you feel lighter and will bring clarity to your thought process. That is the choice you should go with because here, your instinct is talking to you and intuition never fails anyone.

4. Relax 

Never put so much pressure on yourself to make the right decision in life. Believe in God and do not forget that He won’t put you in a difficult situation forever. God has many plans for you; any outcome will result in learning for life. Each decision and outcome are another opportunity to get a fresh perspective. 

So, relax, appreciate your life’s journey, and enjoy it by taking the right decision at the right time.

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