Education Empowers | International Day Of Education | 2020

Education Empowers | International Day Of Education | 2020

Education Empowers International Day Of Education

Let's vow to do our bit to gift (education) someone a bright future. And ultimately this good deed will add up to your own Good Karmas.

The humans on this planet have made significant progress in the past many million years. From being the stone craving to now being jet-setting futurists, we have come a long way. Today, we better off than we were millenniums ago? The one crucial element that truly made a difference, that helps create better societies, develops virtues and gives us a sense of freedom—is Education.

Education is exceedingly instrumental for the realization of one’s innate self, strength, ability, and achieve full potential. It is so necessary and essential that its insufficiency or absence may lead one to choose the improper path of life.
‘Education’ comes from the Latin root word Educere; it means to lead you from darkness to light. It means to nourish, to bring up. Man lives in darkness, unconsciousness — and man is capable of becoming full of light. Education is a flame that can illuminate anyone’s life. Education is the foundation of development. It helps to develop a person, a society and a nation. Without education our life is incomplete.

Empowering Youth

Education is the medium for the youth with the help of which they can quench their thirst for realizing their potentialities. It also enlightens people by giving them spiritual or intellectual insights. Because education always gives a wealth of wisdom. Education empowers everyone, with the knowledge, skills and values to understand things. Youth has immense energy and potential that must be directed in the right direction for a healthy society. This can be well done through awareness and letting them study.

It gives them the intelligence to express their thoughts in the right way. Those who remain deprived of it, sometimes practice the anti-social activities. It is important to increase the literacy rate and each one of us have to contribute to this.

Empowering Society 

Education plays a pivotal role for women empowerment, prosperity, development and welfare.  Even today there is continued inequality and vulnerability of women in certain sectors, they need to be empowered in all walks of life. To fight against the socially constructed gender biases, women have to swim against the orthodox thinking that requires more strength. Such strength can come only through empowerment and empowerment will come from education. Hence, girls’ education is very important. Only an educated woman possesses the required skills and information. And as you have heard it so many times, that educating a women means educating the entire family which eventually contributes to a larger aspect in society.

Gift a Dream; Educate Someone

But many around the world are still deprived of it. People without basic education are like weapons without bullets. Charity is all about building a better world. There is no other better way to do that than to fund someone’s education. It will equip them with the skills and resources to fulfil their potential. Let’s vow to do our bit to gift someone a bright future. And ultimately this good deed will add up to your own Good Karmas.

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