Burning Ego with Self-Knowledge | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

Burning Ego with Self-Knowledge | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

Burning Ego with Self-Knowledge

Burning Ego with Self-Knowledge

After worshipping Goddess Durga for nine days, on the jubilant day of Vijayadashmi, devotees will burn an effigy of Ravan. The ‘Ravan Dahan’ celebrates the day when Lord Ram killed Ravan and established the rule of Dharma.

Ravan was highly intellectual, but he was arrogant and cruel. He had ten heads having thorough knowledge of Vedas & Upanishads, he was a great devotee as well but unfortunately he used all his powers for evil purposes.

And that’s why he was killed in a ‘Dharma Yuddha’.

Ravan, the Personification of Ego

Ravan personifies people who run after the materialistic desires unmindfully and in the pursuit, they keep their ego at the top.

The result is- such people, no matter how rich or intellectual they are, have to face the defeat ultimately. They may have riches, but they can’t enjoy its fruits. They could be great intellectuals, but still they don’t get the reverence in society that they deserve.

This is because such people have the affluence and intellect, but they lack compassion and care for others; the reason for that is their ‘towering ego’.

Further, Navratri, as we know, is the time to reflect upon oneself, practice fasting and meditation. Fasting cleanses the body of impurities and meditation purifies the mind. So, if you are meditating, keep this in the mind that your efforts must kill your ego as well.

Ego, the Multi-Headed Demon

The biggest impediments to a person’s materialistic and spiritual growth is his own negative aspects, predominantly ‘Ego’. Such people give importance to themselves only. Such a mentality gives rise to jealousy, indecisiveness, disappointment, depression, sins and also, desires.

The nine-day Navratri festival is meant to overcome such impediments and other negative aspects and clear the path for prosperity, happiness and success in life.

Hence, burn the effigy of Ravan every year and along with that do try to win over your inner demons, including your ego, that arise from the darkness of ignorance. They may stop you from moving forward in life.

Killing Ego with Self-Knowledge

Consider ‘Self-knowledge’ as the beaming light which, when appears, kills the darkness instantly like in the case of a dark room where even if frightening darkness existed for a very long time yet a small lamp is enough to remove it. Also understand that Egoistic People have a ‘sense of doer’, i.e. ‘me’ and ‘mine’.

However, when you have self-knowledge you acknowledge the Higher Power. You lack ‘me’ and ‘mine’. You perform your duties selflessly and start rising above your ego. Self-knowledge, the divine knowledge, reveals the secret of your real personality which is beyond the physical body, senses, and mind.

Once you get available to this knowledge, you get liberated from the ‘sense of doer’ and your ego burns away. After that it becomes easy for you to kill your other inner demons.

Now, since the festive season is underway, this is the time to remove all the negative energies from life. Do that successfully by getting available to Self-Knowledge and participating in virtuous deeds selflessly while adhering to Dharma. Then only the ongoing fight between the good & the evil that goes on within you at the physical and emotional level will come to the right closure making the good become victorious.

Hence, this Dussehra, replace your ego & negativity by Divine self-knowledge, and celebrate the victory of Lord Ram over Ravan with enthusiasm.

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