The Greatness of a Guru | Guru Purinima | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj | Guru is a God

The Greatness of a Guru | Guru Purinima | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj | Guru is a God

The Greatness of a Guru | Guru Purinima | Guru is a God

The Greatness of a Guru

The Greatness of a Guru

Guru shows us the path – the path to live a meaningful life and he is the one who leads us to Salvation. Guru is a God-illumined, prominent personality who acts like a fountainhead of knowledge and divinity.

He is a lighthouse – he helps us to see the light, the true light. Guru is greater than God because it is through him that we can reach the doorsteps of God. He is an achiever and helps us to be an achiever. Guru is the one who helps us to know all about religion and our duty.

Guru does not teach us to be selfish because he himself is not selfish. He always aspires to inspire us and awaken us, uplift us from the darkness of ignorance. Anyone can be a Guru – even a child can be a guru.

Guru is a God

Our Scriptures, Rishis and Maharishis have sung praises of a guru. There are numerous instances where the guru has helped disciples realize and manifest God in different forms. All our Gods – Shri Ram, Bhagwan Shri Krishna, Mahatma Buddha, Maharishi Dayanand, Swami Vivekananda, His Holiness Sudhanshuji Maharaj, Shivaji, and many others achieved. “enlightenment/knowledge”  because of their gurus.

Guru is the one who dispels darkness and leads us to the brightest of the brightest light – the Vision of God. It is not necessary that the guru lives in the dark caves of the Himalayas or on the banks of rivers or in the deep dense dark forests. A Guru can be found anywhere – among fellow workers, among our elders, among priests, or among ordinary persons who lead a family life.

In the Upanishads the five signs of a Satguru are mentioned. In the presence of the Satguru knowledge flourishes, sorrow diminishes, joy wells up without any reason, abundance dawns,
and all talents manifest. Being with a guru is like being with one’s higher self. The awakened Guru spreads divine love and knowledge all around.

Guru PurnimaGuru Purnima 2023

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